Working and learning Internship
Working and learning Internship
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Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten
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Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten
Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that you as a patient or visitor are not satisfied with our care and services. It is important to us that you share this experience with us. We learn not only from complaints, but also from your other experiences. Thanks to your feedback, the care and services of the St. Vincentius Hospital can be improved.
Our complaints procedure offers you the following options:
You discuss your complaint directly with the head nurse of the department;
You discuss your complaint with the complaints committee;
You request an opinion from the Board of Directors.
You can fill in a complaint form on the website and send it to the complaints committee or send a letter with your objection to the complaints committee or the Board of Directors of St. Vincentius Hospital.
The more specific you present the event / experience, the better for us to handle your complaint. Do not forget to mention your name, signature, date, the department where the event took place and your home address in the letter.
The complaints committee deals with every complaint and advises the management of the hospital. The Board of Directors of the hospital will contact you thereafter. Click here for more information about the complaints procedure.
For complaints, you can fill in the complaints form below or download our complaints form.
You can fill in the complaint form and deposit it in the complaints box next to the information desk in the main entrance of the hospital on Prins Hendrikstraat.