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Working and learning Internship
Working and learning Internship
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Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten


Services Laboratory
The laboratory of the St. Vincentius Hospital performs various tests, including blood urine, bone marrow and stool tests. A laboratory test is carried out at the request of your doctor. This allows for more clarity about the cause of your complaints, the course of an illness and the result of a treatment.
The collection of blood
You report to the laboratory counter with the following documents: -a lab request form from your general practitioner, midwife, or specialist -a proof of insurance -a valid identification document The blood collection staff will always ask for your name and date of birth before taking a blood sample. This is an international identity check during blood collection. In urine testing, fresh morning urine is preferred. Paraphrase text
Blood tests for children
It may be that your child's doctor wants to have the blood tested in the laboratory. For this, blood will be drawn from your child. You may stay with your child during the blood draw. It may be that your child's doctor wants to have the blood tested in the laboratory. For this, blood will be drawn from your child. You may stay with your child during the blood draw.
The result can be collected by you or sent by us to the treating physician or specialist. Your doctor is the best person to discuss your lab results with you. Standard tests are available the same day. More complex or special tests can take several days before the results are known. Results of urgent requests are communicated to the doctor by phone or handed over directly.
What should you take into account before having your blood collected?
For certain exams, it is required that you are sober. In that case, you should not eat, drink, or smoke the evening before the blood draw. Water and tea without milk or sugar are usually allowed. Please provide the text you would like to have translated. The laboratory is open every day from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM and can be reached at the phone number 471212, extension 218.
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