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Working and learning Internship
Working and learning Internship
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Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten

When you are admitted to the hospital, a lot will come your way. You may have questions such as: Where do I register? What do I bring? What will happen?
Preparation for admission
You will be admitted to our hospital for an operation or another procedure. You need to make some preparations for this in advance. What do you take with you? Who can we call if something is wrong? Are you on a diet or on special medication? Here you will find all the information needed to be well prepared for your stay in the hospital. Date of admission After you have agreed with your doctor that you will be admitted to our hospital for an examination, operation or other treatment, you will be referred to the Admission Department with your admission letter. The employees of this department will take care of your admission and inform you when and at what time you have to report for the pre-operative screening and admission. What do you take with you? •A valid ID •Your patient card •Comfortable everyday clothes and underwear •Toiletries (comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.). •Your cell phone •Do you make use of a walking aid, such as a walker, cane or crutches? Take it with you and use it during the admission •Medicines you use at home •Any dietary requirements •Any aids, such as glasses or hearing aid For an admission to the St. Vincentius Hospital, a valid identity document must always be submitted. When admitting a child, the family booklet and proof of identity of one of the parents must be provided. The submittal of other documents depends on your medical insurance. Who can we call if there is a problem? It is wise to arrange a contact person in advance. Choose someone you know well. The contact person is expected to inform your family, friends / acquaintances and other relations about your stay in the hospital. The contact person can possibly be approached by the hospital if there is reason to do so.
on the day of your admission
On the day of admission, you must report to the Admission Department of the St. Vincentius Hospital. This department registers your presence. Accompaniment After you have been registered, an Admission Employee will accompany you to the nursing ward where you will be admitted. A family member or acquaintance who has taken you to the hospital can accompany you to your room in the nursing ward. Admission interview The nurse will have an admission interview with you. The nurse will ask a number of questions and discuss the process of the admission with you. The nurse will also measure your blood pressure, your pulse and take your temperature. Your partner or companion can be present if wished. You can also ask questions yourself during this conversation. Through the course of the day, you will also be visited by other care providers to get acquainted or to discuss a number of matters Information on Anesthesia If you have undergo surgery during your admission, you will be visited by the anesthetist on the day of admission. This is the doctor who provides the anesthesia. The anesthetist will discuss with you the anesthesia that will be used. Sometimes this conversation takes place on the day of your screening. Your room There are single, double and other shared rooms. Your assigned room depends on the availability of the rooms, your medical condition or your insurance. Patients who are seriously ill or who have a high risk of infection, for example, will be assigned a single room.
Your stay
All employees of the St. Vincentius Hospital aspire to match the hospital care and its services to the wishes of patients and visitors. We appreciate it when you as a patient or visitor want to share your experiences with our care and services. Many things are different during your admission than at home. To give you an impression, we have listed the most important things. Staff members During your admission you will come into contact with various healthcare providers. Depending on the reason for your admission, in addition to doctors, nurses and health care workers, other care providers may also be involved in your treatment, such as a physiotherapist or a social worker. In establishing a diagnosis, employees of the radiology department, the laboratory and / or the endoscopy, ECG or EEG / EMG departments are also involved. Meals All meals are prepared in the Central Kitchen of the hospital. In order to satisfy the patient's needs, the Central Kitchen tries to adjust its menu every week. Providing meals Nutritious meals are provided to our patients four times a day, namely: •08:00 am the patient receives breakfast mainly bread; •11:00 am the patient receives a soup; •01:00 pm the patient receives a warm meal; •07:00 pm the patient receives bread with spreads/toppings. Diet Our Central Kitchen provides dietary meals at the indication of the attending specialist. Except for fruit, we request that you do not allow visitors to bring any food for you. If you are a vegetarian because of your religion or beliefs, you must report this immediately to the nursing ward where you will be laying. Resting hours You can enjoy the afternoon rest between 02:00 pm and 04:00 pm. In the evening, the main lights go out at 10:00 pm, but you may use the lamp by the bed. Church service On Sundays you will be given the opportunity to attend the church service in the Chapel of the St. Vincentius Hospital, from 09:00 am to 10:00 am. You can indicate to the nursing staff whether you would like to attend the service. Mental care In the St. Vincentius Hospital you will be given the opportunity to receive visits from the pastor of the church you are a part of. You can turn to the head nurse for this.
Hospital Discharge
If the daily functioning is successfully restored where it can be performed independently and in a safe manner, you can be discharged and sent home. Your medical specialist will discuss with you when you will be discharged. This means that you will no longer stay in the hospital. Before you leave for home, the nurse will drop by for a final meeting. You will then receive: •Information about your medication; •Explanation regarding letters for your doctor, physiotherapist, home care provider or other care providers; •Instructions for showering, lifting, wound care, diet, etc .; •A follow-up appointment (possibly); •Answers to any questions you still might have. Medicines If you need medication after your discharge, you will receive a prescription. You can pick up your medicines at the pharmacy of the hospital or it can be delivered to your bed by the nursing staff. Explanation about the medicines and how to use them, will be provided to you. Wristband The wristband that you received when you were admitted will be removed upon your departure. General practitioner Your specialist will keep your doctor informed about your treatment and any follow-up care. If you return with complaints, he can check whether they may be related to your treatment in the hospital. Opening hours of the Admission department Monday to Saturday 07:00 am - 10:00 pm Sunday 08:00 am - 11:00 am For more information about admissions, please contact the Admission department by telephone on the telephone at number 471212, extension 212/276.
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