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Working and learning Internship
Working and learning Internship
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Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten
Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten

Rights and obligations
Rights and obligations
Patient's Rights
1.With respect for your human dignity and self-determination, you are entitled, without discrimination, on any grounds whatsoever to a quality service that meets your needs. 2.You have the right to freely choose your medical professional and the right to amend this choice, subject, in both cases, to restrictions imposed by law. 3.You are entitled to all information that is necessary to gain insight into your health status and its likely evolution. 4.You have the right to be informed prior to any treatment of the healthcare practitioner and whether or not to consent to it. 5.You are entitled to a carefully kept and securely stored patient file and access to the file. 6.You are entitled to protection of your privacy at any intervention by the healthcare professional and in particular regarding to information related to your health. 7.You have the right to submit a complaint in connection with the exercise of your rights granted by this arrangement to the Board of Directors of the hospital, which then submits the complaint to the complaints committee of the St. Vincentius Hospital for investigation.
Children's Rights
1.Children are not admitted to a hospital if the care they need can be provided at home, in day treatment or on an outpatient basis. 2.Children have the right to have their parents or guardians with them as much as possible. 3.Parents are offered accommodation and the possibility of overnight stay with the child, for a reimbursement of expenses incurred. Parents are helped and encouraged to stay with the child and to participate in the care and nursing of the child. 4.Children and parents have the right to information. The information is adapted to the age and comprehension of the child. Measures are taken to relieve pain, physical discomfort and emotional tension. 5.Children and parents are entitled to all information that is necessary to give permission for examinations, procedures and treatments. Children are protected from unnecessary treatment and examinations and from improper use of personal data. 6.Children are accommodated and cared for in the hospital together with children in the same age and / or developmental stage. Children are not nursed together with adults. There is no age limit for visitors, provided that young visitors are accompanied by their parents. 7.Children are entitled to opportunities to play, enjoy themselves and receive education according to their age and physical condition. Children have the right to stay in a stimulating, safe environment with adequate supervision and suitable for children of all age categories. 8.Children are treated and cared for by medical, nursing and other personnel who are specially trained to treat and care for children and who also have knowledge and experience to enable them to meet the emotional needs of the child and the family. 9.Children are entitled to care and treatment provided by as much as possible the same persons who work optimally together. 10.Children have the right to be approached and treated with tact and understanding. Their privacy is respected at all times.
Patient's Responsibilities
As a patient, you have obligations as well as rights. 1.As a patient you have a duty to cooperate with the treatment to which you have agreed. 2.For the benefit of examinations and during your treatment the care provider expects you to inform him clearly and completely about important matters relating to your illness or treatment. 3.For reasons of privacy, it is not permitted to take photos, make videos or sound recordings in the St. Vincentius Hospital without permission. This applies to the public areas as well as to the treatment rooms and the nursing ward. 4.When you enter our hospital, we request that you adhere to our hospital rules. It is very important to us that everyone feels comfortable in St. Vincentius Hospital. 5.The St. Vincentius Hospital is entitled to payment for the treatment and care provided. When you make use of the hospital's medical services, you are liable for the payment of the costs incurred.
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